Publishing House "Russian Emirates" takes part in the economic forum in St. Petersburg

Russian Emirates Publishing House takes part in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

Dubai, UAE. The Russian Emirates Publishing House and the Russian Council of Entrepreneurs in Dubai and the Northern Emirates are participating in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, which started today, June 1, in the northern capital of Russia. From the editorial board, the forum is attended by Oleg Lavrik, vice-chairman of the RSP and representative of the Russian Emirates Publishing House in Russia and the CIS. Within three days in St. Petersburg, more than 10 thousand experts, politicians, heads of corporations and investors from 130 countries will discuss global and regional economic issues.

This year, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Moldavian President Igor Dodon, President of the Republika Srpska of Bosnia and Herzegovina Milorad Dodik, 39 ministers from 26 countries, heads of 250 largest foreign companies, 74 Russian regions arrived in the city on the Neva. .

On the eve of the opening of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in the Northern capital. On the first day of the forum, its traditional meeting will take place with the heads of international news agencies, negotiations will be held with the active of the international expert council of the Russian Direct Investment Fund and representatives of the international investment community.

The agenda of the first day of the forum is the development of cooperation within the BRICS and the CIS, the introduction of green technologies in nuclear energy, and the prospects for the tourism business in Russia. Traditionally, communication is planned in various formats on the development of relations between Russia and the Gulf countries.

The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) is the most significant annual economic conference in Russia, often called in the press "Russian Davos" (similar to the World Economic Forum in Davos). It takes place from 1997, until 2007, was called the St. Petersburg Economic Forum (PEF). At the SPIEF venue, state leaders, finance ministers, heads of Russian and foreign companies, financiers, and scientists meet to discuss the economic issues facing Russia, the markets of developing countries and the world as a whole.

Watch the video: Find out more about the publishing process at Penguin Random House (July 2024).