Dubai Aerospace Show opens November 15

From November 15 to 19, 2009, the United Arab Emirates will host the Dubai Airshow International Aviation and Space Exhibition, the largest event in the field of demonstrating the achievements of the aerospace industry in the Middle East region. The topics of the Dubai Air Show are armaments and military equipment of the Air Force, Air Defense, space technology, civil aviation.

It is assumed that in Dubai Airshow 2009, whose total exposure area will be 325 thousand square meters. meters, will take part about 800 companies from 40 countries. Among the participants of the upcoming exhibition are such major aircraft manufacturers as Boeing, Augusta Westland, IADS, BAE Systems and many others. According to the organizers, over 100 aircraft of various types will be presented during the exhibition, including the American F-22 Raptor fighter created by Lockheed Martin and Boeing, the Chinese Falcon L-15 combat trainer, the French Rafael fighter, and the double-decker A 380, 16-seater civilian helicopter EU-175 company Eurocopter.

Russia at the exhibition will be represented by a single exposition with a total area of ​​430 square meters. meters. The organizer of the Russian exposition is the State Corporation Russian Technologies. 24 Russian organizations will participate in the exhibition, including 6 subjects of military-technical cooperation (Russian Technologies State Corporation, Rosoboronexport Federal State Unitary Enterprise, Sukhoi Company OJSC, MiG RSK OJSC, Salyut Federal State Unitary Enterprise MMPP Salyut ", OJSC" OPK "Oboronprom" "). Military products will be presented by 8 organizations of the Russian defense industry. At the stands of Russian enterprises, wide information will be presented on export-oriented aircraft, including multifunctional Su-35 and MiG-35 fighters, Ka-52, Mi-35M combat helicopters, modernized Mi-17 helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles, and also information on avionics, electronic systems, aircraft engines. In total, about 100 exhibits of military products will be demonstrated.

For the first time in this region, the Sukhoi holding civil project will be presented - the Sukhoi Superjet regional airliner, implemented in cooperation with leading Western companies.

Watch the video: Dubai Air Show - 12th November 2017 12 (July 2024).