Dubai pet stores banned from selling piranhas

The municipality of Dubai has banned the sale of piranhas in pet stores in the city, which "pose a risk to human health because they eat meat."

Representatives of the Veterinary Services Section of the Dubai Municipality raided the city’s pet stores, seizing dozens of piranhas, some of which were priced at AED 2,000 (US $ 556) apiece.

As Dr. Essam Sharaf, head of the Veterinary Services Section, told reporters: "This fish species is dangerous to human health because of its temper and insatiable appetite for meat products. The raid was carried out as part of a campaign to ensure a high level of public health in Dubai."

Dr. Sharaf also said that many people who purchase piranhas do not suspect that the exotic fish is not as simple as it seems. "Residents of Dubai often buy piranhas because they were popularized by Hollywood films. Few people know that not all types of piranhas are suitable for breeding in aquariums. Owners of stores sell what they get from suppliers." Large petty fines will be imposed on pet shop owners selling piranhas despite the ban.

Watch the video: Pets You Should NEVER Release In The Wild! (July 2024).