Emirate Telecommunications Corporation Etisalat intends to use alternative energy in its work

The Emirate-based telecommunications corporation Etisalat has confirmed its intention to increase the use of alternative energy and energy-saving technologies in all of its projects, the company's operations, in warehouses and office premises.

“Etisalat Corporation is one of the leading companies in the United Arab Emirates using green building technology, architecture and design,” said Ahmed Al-Jarwan, CEO of Etisalat Real Estate. “In our work, we try to use advanced technologies of the“ smart ”building, which, in turn, helps us to see in practice significant savings in the use of energy resources. In addition, our office facilities are built using the latest heat-insulating materials, with which the best use of sunlight and heat absorption. We intend to continue to use this and other initiatives of the country's government to improve and protect the environment in our practice. "

For the first time, Etisalat Corporation invested in the construction of enterprises using alternative energy sources in 1988. At that time, this was the first solar water heating project. Since then, the corporation has built about 160 production facilities and installations, as well as base stations throughout the United Arab Emirates. Today, with the help of these base stations, Etisalat provides cellular communications to residents of the UAE living in remote areas of the country and on islands.

In addition, Etisalat is working on the deployment of a new generation nationwide network throughout the UAE. Networks of this type consume much less energy than traditional and already outdated telecommunication networks. The company also paves the way for the introduction and wide distribution of environmentally friendly commercial computer applications, including, for example, network video conferencing systems. In addition, Etisalat shares its experience in implementing and applying smart home technologies with its divisions in other countries of the Middle East, Asia and Africa, helping them choose and use the most advanced practical methods aimed at improving and preserving the environment.

Watch the video: du CEO Osman Sultan on Innovation (July 2024).