Horoscope for July - August 2008


In July, Aries are completely absorbed in household chores. But even at work, they continue to literally gush with original ideas, which is respected by colleagues and bosses. In August, a business partnership comes to the fore. True, the formation of a family company is possible - in this case, feelings are successfully combined with business. You will find a lot of work, interesting proposals, this is a great time to implement your creative ideas.


Taurus in July is completely absorbed in material troubles - their financial situation is close to critical. True, they are able to soberly assess their strengths and capabilities, which helps them in setting priorities - they immediately see where to direct their efforts. In August, it may turn out what is usually difficult to do - to combine personal interests with public ones. Taurus finds time for everything: to work, to household chores, to communicate with loved ones.


July for Gemini is a time of cash receipts. Luck accompanies them in making money literally from the air. They are completely absorbed in work, selflessly plunging into professional matters. The family is fading into the background. In August, it will be difficult to focus on any one thing. Gemini is equally attracted by communication with friends, chores around the house, and labor achievements, and a loved one.


Crayfish are leisurely. In July, they need to think carefully about everything, outline the points of application of forces, and only then begin to realize their plans. They are completely absorbed in work, which greatly offends relatives and friends, especially relatives. In the first ten days of August, Crayfish will work hard, trying to maximize their finances. Having achieved their goal, by the end of the month they can afford to expand their social circle, making new useful contacts and not forgetting the old ones.


Lion favors lions in July - this is a great time to correct their financial affairs. Fortune is not exchanged for trifles: it’s already lucky - it’s so lucky, and in love, and in cards, and with friends, and at work. August is truly the "lion" month! This is the time when Lions literally shine in everything. They successfully make new acquaintances - both with nice people and with useful people.


In July, the Virgin is finally breaking away from her work - this is a great time to look around, hoping to catch her "blue bird". Moreover, the stars are on their side. Not a single chance granted by a stingy fate, the Virgo will not miss. In August, the Virgin will be absorbed in their spiritual growth. Visits to psychologists and psychotherapists will be successful - this will help to identify the causes of children's complexes and can eliminate their consequences. Financial revenues are expected towards the end of the month.


In July, Libra has to decide on priorities. Those who choose a career will confidently begin to climb the career ladder. Their friends and friendly patrons will help them in this, who will help in all endeavors. In August, Libra will remain at a loss. In attempts to realize the surrounding reality and adequately respond to it, almost the whole month will pass. And only at the end of August will they finally come out of prostration and be able to adequately respond to all the blows of fate.


All July, Scorpios continue to work on their financial well-being. But their methods are not disclosed to anyone. And they are right: envy and competition can destroy any undertaking. Be especially careful when driving - roads are now potentially dangerous for you. In August, Scorpions will be completely swallowed up by their careers. They are still not inclined to advertise the sources of their additional income, which will bring their dividends - a steady increase in the basic salary.


In July, Sagittarius will try to sit on two chairs at once - and grow professionally, and know yourself. Oddly enough, they will cope with both the one and the other. They manage to strangle the beginning family crisis in the bud. In August, Sagittarius will decide to start implementing their most original and pipe plans. Almost the whole month they will promote their unrealistic ideas. What will come of it, time will tell.


In July, Capricorn is not at ease: they have the feeling that everything around them is starting to crumble. How much they are right in assessing the situation, everyone will have to decide on their own. Try not to break down on loved ones - they did not deserve it.

In August, Capricorns will begin to actively "look" into other people's wallets - perhaps this stimulates them to new labor achievements. Many Capricorns will be able to find original ways out of difficult situations, which will improve their financial situation and strengthen their career.


In July, Aquarius will be absorbed by the partner and relations with him. They think about strengthening their material welfare and work hard for the benefit of their wallet. Careers recede into the background: the main thing for them now is finances. In August, Aquarius will begin to recall other areas of life. In particular, various unrealizable projects and ideas will begin to come into their bright minds, an attempt to implement which may turn out to be unsuccessful or even fatal.


In July, Pisces is threatened with an office romance, since the chances of being somewhere else, in addition to his home and workplace, are rapidly decreasing. They share all their time between home and work. So it turns out that the affair with a colleague is the only outlet for a workaholic. In August, Pisces will shoulder an unbearable burden and by the end of the month will begin to realize this. Their inherent honesty will not allow them to simply give up voluntarily assumed responsibility, which will lead them to a state of poorly controlled panic.

Watch the video: General Horoscope: Week of August 18, 2008 (July 2024).