United Arab Emirates criticize US for decision on Jerusalem

The UAE Foreign Ministry said the US decision on Jerusalem testifies to a bias against the historical and permanent rights of the Palestinian people.

The UAE deeply condemned the decision of the US administration to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the UAE, such unilateral decisions are contrary to international law resolutions that reinforce the legal status of the city of Jerusalem as occupied.

"Such decisions are also incorrect in relation to the historical rights of the Palestinian people in Jerusalem, which were guaranteed by relevant international resolutions and received recognition and support from the international community," the statement said.

The ministry expressed its deep concern over the impact of this decision on stability in the region, emphasizing that it offends the feelings of the Arab and Islamic peoples with deep respect for Jerusalem.

The Foreign Ministry also pointed to the negative impact of this act on the future peaceful resolution of the conflict between the Palestinian and Israeli parties, which was based on the status of the city of Jerusalem fixed in an international treaty, emphasizing that the fate of Jerusalem should be decided through negotiations between all interested parties.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation emphasized the need to comply with all UN resolutions relating to Jerusalem, including Security Council resolutions and the principles of international law, which stipulate the impossibility of establishing and functioning diplomatic missions in the city, the illegitimacy of recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of the occupying state and recognizing East Jerusalem as an integral part Palestinian territory occupied in 1967.

The statement noted that the UAE was warned that such a move is a serious violation of the principle of refraining from any influence or influence on negotiations on the final status, and that it contradicts international resolutions affirming the historical rights of the Palestinian people in Jerusalem.

Watch the video: Turkey plays major role against US Jerusalem move (July 2024).