UAE broke into world leaders in the introduction of unmanned vehicles

The UAE entered the top 10 countries in terms of readiness for the introduction of unmanned vehicles.

Dubai, UAE. The United Arab Emirates entered the top 10 countries in terms of readiness for the introduction of unmanned vehicles, according to the Autonomous Vehicles Readiness Index (AVRI) report of the international company KPMG.

The first place in the ranking is occupied by the Netherlands, followed by Singapore, USA, Sweden, Great Britain, Germany and Canada. The study was based on four main parameters: policy and legislation, technology and innovation, infrastructure and consumer acceptance.

The study appeared a couple of months after Dubai announced its intention to become the metropolis of the future. And very soon, the emirate took one of the leading places in the world, having received the title of hub of innovative ideas.

So, Dubai is going to transfer to unmanned "rails" a quarter of all urban transport until 2030. It is, in particular, about unmanned private, passenger and freight transport and flying taxis. It is expected that the annual economic benefits of using unmanned vehicles will be about 22 billion dirhams (US $ 6 billion) per year.

Watch the video: Sheikh Mohammed FULL exclusive interview - BBC NEWS (July 2024).