Private jets will soon fly over the UAE

Next year in Dubai, all conditions will be created for the launch of private aircraft with electric motors.

Adele Mardini, CEO of Dubai-based Jetex Flight Support, said private electric planes will be able to start flights to the UAE next year.

As part of the partnership between Jetex and the American startup Wright Electric, an infrastructure will be created for charging electric planes. Joint investments in the production of the first electric private business jets are also expected.

Electric planes have an estimated range of approximately 540 km. Adele Mardini said that the first flights will connect the routes in the direction of Dubai-Muscat and Dubai-Salalah.

Wright Electric has set itself the goal of reducing emissions on every short flight to zero for 20 years. Aircraft that will use the new technology are 50 percent quieter and 10 percent cheaper to operate than traditional models.

At the end of 2017, Wright Electric and EasyJet announced a partnership under which they are developing electric environmentally friendly short-range airliners that can carry 180 passengers over a distance of 500 km.

Watch the video: Flying the Gulfstream Private Jet from London to Dubai (July 2024).