Gift of persuasion


Text: Irina Malkova

Ainura, the niche of storytellers is now completely empty, and some even believe that our world has become too vain for them. Why did you choose this particular literary genre?

Ainura: It’s true, many writers are now focused on novels and analytical literature. But through fairy-tale characters it’s easier for me to express what has accumulated. In addition, I believe that fairy tales come to mind from somewhere above. My tales were written during the difficult period of my life - I lost my mother and became very ill. By profession I am a philologist, a teacher of Russian language and literature. I always read a lot - both Sholokhov and Fadeev, from the classics she preferred Tolstoy, Pushkin, Yesenin, Aitmatov.

My life was such that anyway, sooner or later I would start writing. The first readers were my children. The daughter was studying abroad at that time, and the son worked in Almaty, so we talked by e-mail. Literally a day later, they both wrote that the tales are very good and we must continue! I wrote 11 fairy tales and read them to my husband Kuban (Kubanychbek Omuraliev, Consul General of Kyrgyzstan in the UAE - approx. Ed.), Who also approved and advised me to write further.

What are your tales about?

Ainura: These tales are more like parables because each of them has a message. First of all, it is thanks to Mother Universe. In each story, the hero expresses gratitude to her for the good that he received after undergoing some trials. So fairy tales are suitable for both children and adults - in fact, reading them to their children, they will also live all the events described.

A fairy tale is always an allegory, a metaphor for life situations and problems ...

Ainura: Remember this expression - "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows"? My tales teach me to overcome life's difficulties and rely on myself, on help from above, on the help of people close and dear to you. And never despair. I have a fairy tale about a bear cub whose mother died during a hurricane. And he argues: “What is the test? Is it a heavy bag that pulls to the ground, and there is self-pity, longing and grief, or are it wings, light and strong, that lift you up to the sky and make it possible to overcome all difficulties? " And he picks the wings.

Do you think that all tests are given to a person for a reason?

Ainura: Trials are always a test of your vitality. If you trust life, if you trust the people around you and first of all yourself, you believe that you can overcome it, all around will help you. Of course, there are difficulties in life - the loss of loved ones, the financial crisis, personality problems, and often one is strung on another. When a person takes disaster too seriously, gets upset and sad, he nourishes this disaster, it grows and absorbs it entirely. For one misfortune comes the second, third, fourth ... Therefore, you can never focus on the problem, you need to look for a way out - open your eyes, heart, soul to something new. Wake up every morning and just give thanks for what you can see, hear and feel this world. After all, while you compare yourself with those who live better, you always feel some kind of deprivation. But look around. There are almost hopeless situations. But even in a hopeless state, you need to find something good. Everything that is destined for a person in this world will happen to him whether he wants it or not. All events must be accepted as something good, and not as punishment, since everything is directed only to our development.

How has your life changed since you finished the book?

Ainura: Tales helped me to be completely healed. And I’m sure that they can help others to be healed. Because when we thank the Universe, we thank first of all for the help that it provided to us at a difficult moment. And through that thanksgiving, healing happens. One must always believe that you are loved in any condition. You are bad, good, weak, helpless, cunning - the Universe will still care about you. Be optimistic. Be kinder. Give more than you take.

You come from Kyrgyzstan. Do you like living in Dubai?

Ainura: Dubai never ceases to amaze me with its achievements. For 40 years, to build such a miracle in the sand! ... After all, sand is a quick-moving substance that never stands still. It is constantly dependent on weather and wind. You stepped on the sand, walked away - and he immediately changes his shape. But, despite this, a magnificent city was built here - a real oriental tale.

No desire to write about this oriental tale too?

Ainura: There is a desire, and I would probably start the story with the path of a caravan. I think it would be a story about a camel, in which a camel was born along the way. The image of a camel is an image of Dubai. I would write how he grows up in a strong, courageous, kind, brave and beautiful camel, which will have even more beautiful and noble offspring. After all, our life is a movement of a caravan. Different events happen along the way, life is replaced by death, but the movement never stops.

Watch the video: Science Of Persuasion (July 2024).