Ermanno Scervino The King of Sports Couture


This charming Italian introduced himself to me as Ermanno Shervino, creative director of the brand (he didn’t give a business card) ... At first glance, he does not at all combine with the brand of the same name and does not at all look like modern fashion designers and stylists. Middle age, inconspicuous clothes, a calm look, a half smile, are an ordinary person, of which there are thousands. However, the clothes he creates are invariably very popular. What is the secret of his success? And what do we know about this man and his creations? We'll figure out…

Good afternoon, Ermanno, let me congratulate you on the opening of a branded boutique at The Dubai Mall. And please, develop our doubts - are you really Ermanno Chevrino?

Oh yeah! Of course! True, my real name is Ermanno Daelli. I was born in Milan in 1950. They joke that immediately with scissors in their hands. Maybe it is the air of the fashion capital that affects us Milanese? I cut out my first dress at the age of seven, when I could barely hold the scissors in my hands. Later, at the first opportunity, he reviewed all available Italian films. Looking at Sophia Loren, Gina Lollobrigida and Anna Magnani, I finally decided on the main love of my life. I fell in love with beauty and decided to create it. My main dream was to dress the stars - those very beautiful and unattainable women on the screen. Following my dream, I ended up in Florence. It sounds incredible, but almost immediately I began to run a store selling clothes and accessories. In the 1970s, expanding its retail network, it opened a boutique in Cortina d'Ampezo, 160 km from Venice. This mountain resort was visited not only by skiers, but also by lovers of elegant, elegant relaxation.

There, watching the style icons of the time, I decided to create my collection. In 1985, I released the first collection of accessories, and by 1990 I decided to show the first collection of women's clothing. It was a huge risk, however, and a big win if successful. If you break a bank and the collection attracts attention, everything will turn out well. At first, of course, I felt like a walrus that was thrown into cold water - either you swim and win, or you freeze and drown. I took a chance and won!

Soon I met Tony Shervino, a manager engaged in the production of sportswear. Our views on fashion and style were so strikingly similar that we decided to establish a new brand. That is how the trademark Ermanno Scervino, a combination of our names, appeared in 1997. Together with him, my last name Daelli went into oblivion. I took the name of the new brand and now became Ermanno Shervino.

What made you the most vivid impression in life in the world of fashion in which you fell?

Perhaps my first visit to Paris, where I immediately felt keenly - this city lives and breathes fashion. I am very comfortable in it! Also, my first snow-white shirt from YSL. She was classic, but how stitched! Since then, I strive for the same excellence in craftsmanship and dream that someday fashion fans will compare me with the great Yves Sen Laurent.

Does this mean that the classic white shirt is the basis of your modern collections for men? And without what you personally do not think your wardrobe?

Yes, a white shirt is what the image of a modern man is built around. No way without her. I can not imagine myself and my travels around the world without a white shirt, classic blue jeans, a pair of black strict trousers and a dark blue blazer. Today, these are all brands of Ermanno Scervino. Yes, and I almost never take a Rolex watch. If we talk about women's wardrobe, then without what he, in your opinion, can not do?

It is always more difficult with women, but, in my opinion, a well-chosen wardrobe is based on strict dark trousers and a skirt, a white blouse, a small black dress and high-heeled shoes. These are indispensable attributes, and then everything depends on the woman’s taste and her desire to look fashionable and attractive. By the way, I must say that modern clothes, as well as shoes and accessories should not only be beautiful, but also extremely comfortable. All my models are distinguished by the highest quality materials and interesting stylistic approaches. Fur, unique fabrics, rare leathers and the search for new solutions, in my opinion, create an unforgettable experience.

It was this idea of ​​convenience that formed the basis of your famous “sport couture” collections?

Yes, it was I who decided to develop the direction of “sports high fashion” or “sport couture”. What is it? These are comfortable, warm and simple sports things that we have made surprisingly elegant. The combination of convenience and beauty turned out to be advantageous. For the first time, the “sport couture” style was tried on by Sharon Stone and Uma Thurman. So my dream came true - the stars with pleasure began to wear Ermanno Scervino clothes. Today I am often called the "king of sports fashion." I don’t know, I’m sure that sweatpants can be exotic and interesting, if not limited to traditions. In the immediate vicinity, adults should imitate children. If you want to wear an orange jacket - put it on! Decency and black can be set aside if they interfere with you. And if the jacket is orange, let it also be with fox ponytails and leather inserts. Why not?

Who makes the final decision to launch a particular new collection?

As a rule, finally, I. Tony Shervino took over most of the organizational work - development, production, management, staging fashion shows and more. One can only dream of such an organizer! The atmosphere created by Tony is ideal for my creative quest. If obstacles arise, the question is submitted for general advice. Practical Tony often has to land my extravagant ideas. But together we are doing great.

How many collections a year do you produce?

The modern rhythm of life does not allow us to make only autumn-winter and spring-summer collections, between them there are always two pre-collections, as well as cruise and capsule collections. In addition, in 1999, I finally got to the cinema and created costumes for films. In 2006, I created a dress uniform for the Russian team at the Olympics in Turin. It was then that we became very friends with Bosco Sport and its founder Mikhail Kusnirovich. Today, thanks to Bosco, our brand is represented in Russia. In 2007, we launched two new clothing lines - for teenagers and for newborns. In the spring of 2008, a sun glasses line was launched for sale, completing a holistic look from Ermanno Scervino along with a line of underwear and bathing suits. And now we are expanding our presence in different countries of the world.

What is true beauty, femininity and fashion in your understanding?

I never change my main love - beauty. To demonstrate my collections, I always try to invite the most beautiful women in the world. However, in my opinion, every woman can be refined, like Marlene Dietrich, aggressive and attractive, like Angelina Jolie, a tender mother and a brutal killer, like Uma Thurman. Beauty is the inner world of a woman, her unique image. No need to strive to be like someone! And in order to emphasize its beauty, it is not necessary to become a victim of fashion. In the end, fashion trends change as fast as the sheets on the calendar, but the style and sense of taste remain.

What do you like to do in your free time? What do you do best?

I devote all my free time to reading books, I really like biographies of famous people, and improving my craft. I can do nothing but fashion: neither cooking, nor singing, nor playing musical instruments. And to achieve perfection, I need a little bit - the silence of the study and time. After all, fashion is something that never ceases to excite people, no matter what happens!

It is impossible not to admit that in something you are right. Thanks for the conversation and success to you!

Watch the video: Ermanno Scervino Runway Show at Milan Fashion Week 16-17. FashionTV (July 2024).