Autumn call

I don’t even know how to better explain this, but the onset of autumn for a country like the UAE is a significant event, if not a landmark one. It is with the onset of autumn that the “high” tourist season starts here, calling on all the forces of the country to mobilize. In other words, in the Emirates, slowly exiting from the state of summer vacation suspended animation, having passed through the obligatory purification during the holy Muslim fasting Ramadan, a surge of unprecedented business activity begins, aimed only at one thing - to be again “higher, faster, stronger” and “ahead of the rest " Total mobilization!

All everyday worries, talk about the crisis, traffic jams and weekend plans go by the wayside, giving way, for example, to such an event as the triumphal opening of the Dubai Metro, the first in the Persian Gulf region, which occurred on a symbolic date - September 9, 2009 (09.09.09). Hooray! Now in Dubai you can, like people, travel by high-speed public transport ....

Travel agencies, having thoroughly prepared for the new season and a series of international exhibitions, urge their partners and tourists to pay increased attention to new business and leisure opportunities in the UAE. Tourists, in turn, urge travel agents and air carriers to be more accommodating in pricing issues. Retailers urge tourists and city dwellers to look into their stores as often as possible, pleasing the eye with constant updates to their collections, and authorities urge retailers not to raise prices for basic consumer goods. Hotel Spa-centers urge everyone to finally take care of themselves and go through a couple of uncomplicated wellness or rehabilitation procedures. Doctors call for measuring body temperature at all people arriving at UAE airports, worried about the spread of swine flu in the world. Parents encourage children to be attentive and tune in to the new school year. The police are urging drivers to be more careful on the roads, and drivers - as soon as possible to open new exits from the main highways to the sleeping areas ... And so on and so forth. The autumn appeal, multiplied by itself and its own derivatives, rushes in the air. And with this, hardly anything can be done. It's time, it's time! Hear each other and get involved in this autumn marathon, which (it may very well be) will come to its finish already by Christmas ...

In the meantime, “Russian Emirates” also could not resist the temptation, and they urge their readers to visit our website as often as possible. And be sure to get acquainted with the new Flash-versions of all our publications on, write letters to us in "small handwriting" and follow everything that happens daily in the UAE, and about which we tell you in detail and regularly. We are waiting for the responses of all those who heeded our call! See you.

Sincerely, Elena Olkhovskaya

Chief Editor

Watch the video: Colonel Autumn Calls Water Treatment Plants - Fallout 3 Prank Call (June 2024).