A new fine for onlookers appeared in Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi police impose a new fine for drivers staring at traffic accidents.

Dubai, UAE. Abu Dhabi police introduced a new fine for drivers who like to gawk at an accident. Those who slow down the entire traffic flow and make it difficult for police and ambulances to travel will now be charged a fine of 1000 dirhams (US $ 273).

A new measure was taken after the accident last weekend on the highway connecting Dubai and Al Ain. As a result of the resulting congestion, rescuers could not get to the nine victims and provide them with first aid.

"The habit of braking and staring at traffic accidents is an uncivilized type of behavior that can cost the lives and health of other road users. Drivers are not allowed to slow down near the accident sites, as such actions provoke new accidents and make it difficult for ambulances to travel," the director of the transport noted Al Ain Department Colonel Ahmed Al Zuweidi.

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